We have exciting fundraising news! You can now find Ridgeway Infant School on TheGivingMachine which is a great fundraising site that lets you raise donations for Ridgeway Infant School whenever you shop online. It’s easy to use and doesn’t cost you (or us) a penny!
TheGivingMachine is a fundraising charity setup to help other charitable causes raise money online. By signing up and shopping online via TheGivingMachine you will generate a FREE cash donation for us. With over 2,200 of your favourite retailers, including Ebay, M&S, Tui, Sainsbury, John Lewis & Partners and Waitrose & Partners, you are bound to find what you need and generate a donation.
To start raising free donations, please Click Here and join - it really is that easy!
Quick Sign Up Code
Your 'quick sign up code' is a great way for your supporters to find and sign up to your cause. Just ask supporters to visit www.TheGivingMachine.co.uk and enter your unique code to make joining and supporting Ridgeway Infant School super easy.
Your sign up code is: 241057
To make sure you never miss a donation download the FREE Shop&Give mobile APP and the FREE desktop reminder APP. Plus, click the Daily Bonus Donation button to raise a FREE donation every day – no purchase necessary! Click Here to find out more. Or, you can donate directly to Ridgeway Infant School via the Donate Now button.
Thank you for your support!
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