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Ridgeway Infant School

Together we can…Think Big, Have Fun, Learn More!


Ridgeway Infant School, Uplands Avenue, Littleover, Derby DE23 1GG

01332 760770


School Information Booklet

We hope our information booklet provides you with more detailed information about our school and answers any questions you may have. Please click here to view it. If you have have any further questions or would like any more information about anything included within the booklet, please do get in touch!

QR Quick Links - You can download quick links to essential school information here.


The School Information Booklet has information on the following:

The Staff and Governors

The School 

Admission of Children


Site Security

Pupils with Special Educational Needs

Organisation of Classes

The Curriculum

The role of the Learning Mentor

The School Council

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Lunch Times


How to Help Your Children

Equal Opportunities

Anti-Racism Policy

The School Day and Teaching Hours

Discipline and Behavior

Pastoral Care and Pupil Welfare

Child Protection

Personal Caring

Road Safety

Illness and Medicines

School Uniform, P.E Clothes and Jewellery (inc Jewellery in P.E)


School Dinners

Fruit and Access to Water

Home-School Partnership


Parent Questionnaires

Voluntary Helpers

Friends of Ridgeway

Charges for School Activities

Data Protection Act 1984

Public Access to Documents

Pupil Records

Complaints Procedure

School Year


Email (Parent Mail)