A Warm Welcome from the Headteacher
Mrs T Dale
Welcome to Ridgeway Infant School. Our dedicated and enthusiastic team provide an environment that nurtures independence, fun and a desire to learn. Our school is uniquely situated in extensive natural grounds with a well established forest school on site. We utilise our locality to the full and our curriculum is active and purposeful with many opportunities for learning outside the classroom, within our local community, Derby City and further afield.
We aim to inspire high aspirations for our children’s future and our curriculum prioritises enquiry and investigation. We talk to children about engaging fully in each learning journey, taking pride in working hard and celebrating when reaching our goals. Our whole school values focus on teamwork, creativity, resilience, communication, independence and reflectiveness.
We promote active healthy lifestyles, British Values and encourage children to make a positive contribution to their community.
If you have visited our school you will know that together children, staff, parents/carers and governors create a warm, happy, vibrant and welcoming place to learn with high expectations. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit Ridgeway you are welcome to by appointment. Please also enjoy our Welcome to Ridgeway Infant School video that will take you on a short tour of our school! We hope you enjoy watching!
Thank you for visiting our website. If you have any further questions or queries, please get in touch with Mrs Mellors or Miss Fletcher either by telephone on 01332 760770 or by email: office@ridgeway.derby.sch.uk
Blagreaves Federation
Our federation with Gayton Junior School will allow for more opportunities of joint up working between both sets of staff to ensure our children and families transition from Infant to Junior education as smoothly as possible. Please click on the logo below to access the website for Gayton Junior School.