Year 1 News
The Year 1 team for 2024/25 will be:
Class 4: Miss Richardson, Miss Richards and Miss Baldwin
Class 5: Miss Muir, Mrs Cornforth and Mrs Comasky
Class 6: Mrs Hemsley [Mon-Weds], Mrs Stamp [Thurs/Fri], Mrs Cooper and Mrs Hadfield
Please click on the Welcome to Y1 Letter to find out more about Year 1! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher. We are sure you and your child will have a super time in Year 1!
Weekly Learning Newsletters
Here you will find lots of information all about our weekly learning in Year 1 so that you know how your child will be challenged to develop into a confident and independent Reader, Writer and Mathematician. We will also share some key messages with you along with key dates to make sure they are in your diary!
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |